Directions and parking

Public Transport

We recommend to travel by public transportation. The central point for this is the 'Heinrich-Heine-Allee' station.


For those arriving by car, paid parking options include the underground garage at the Rhine promenade, the parking garage at Schadowstraße, or at Carlsplatz.

A free alternative is the Provinzial Parking Garage at Hohensandweg 41. It is located directly off the A46 and will be free to use on days with high visitor numbers. On Saturdays in December (9th, 16th, and 23rd), the Provinzial Parking Garage can be used between 10 am and 10 pm. From there, you can easily reach the city center and the Christmas market using public transportation.

Park & Ride

Additionally, there are two Park & Ride options. Visitors can now book a Park & Ride KombiTicket online for the MERKUR SPIEL-ARENA Parking Garage P7 until December 30th. The KombiTicket includes a parking ticket for Parking Garage P7 at MERKUR SPIEL-ARENA and a public transportation ticket for the entire Düsseldorf city area. Using the U78 line from the MERKUR SPIEL-ARENA/Messe Nord stop, you can easily reach the city center in a 15-minute journey. All information can be found here.

Düsseldorf Airport also offers a Park & Ride KombiTicket, allowing the use of Parking Lot P13 at the airport. This ticket also includes the use of public transportation with Rheinbahn into downtown Düsseldorf. With the U79 line from the "Lohausen" station, it takes 15 minutes to reach the city center. All information can be found here.



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